Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, and its population has been steadily increasing over the years. The population of Bangladesh is approximately 180 million, and the population growth rate is 1.1% annually.
GDP per capita can vary significantly from one country to another and is used to compare the relative wealth or economic development of different nations. Bangladesh is one of the fastest-growing economies in the world. Currently, the per capita GDP is $2621.29
Health Consciousness:
Health Consciousness refers to an individual’s or entity’s capacity to make purchases or spend money. It is a measure of the financial resources available to meet expenses and make purchases. Spending ability is influenced by various factors, including: Income, Savings, Debt, Financial Goals, Expenses, Economic Conditions, Creditworthiness, Investment Returns, Financial Planning.
Healthcare expenditure in Bangladesh is primarily financed through out-of-pocket spending, with limited health insurance coverage. The government plays a substantial role in funding and managing healthcare services, while the private healthcare sector serves those who can afford more specialized care. Public health initiatives have improved health outcomes, but access to quality healthcare remains uneven, particularly in rural areas.
Bangladesh’s expected healthcare spending ability for 2025 will be approximately $60 per person, which is a 17.65% increase from 2020, which will be approximately $110 billion market.
- In 2022 the total number of hospitals in Bangladesh was 5,816.
- In 2022 the number of specialized hospitals in Bangladesh was 24.
- In 2022 the number of specialized clinics in Bangladesh was 64.
- In 2022 the number of trauma centers in Bangladesh was 6.
- In 2022 the number of ICU facilities in Bangladesh was 35 with 498 beds.
- In 2022 the number of CCU facilities in Bangladesh was 28 with 471 beds.
- In 2022 the number of dialysis facilities in Bangladesh was 14 with 263 beds.
- In 2022 the number of NICU/SCANU facilities in Bangladesh was 7 with 135 beds.
- In 2020 the number of private hospital/clinics in Bangladesh was 1053.
- In 2020 the number of private diagnostics in Bangladesh was 1915.
- In 2020 the number of private blood bank in Bangladesh was 34.
Diagnostic center is a place that accounts for any health issues and provides treatment if needed. A diagnostic center performs various tests to determine the cause of the condition. There are different types of labs within this category, including radiology & MRI centers, imaging centers, pathology labs, etc.
In the last two decades, Bangladesh has witnessed a substantial expansion in its healthcare infrastructure. The number of registered private hospitals has surged fourfold, increasing from 1,125 to 4,452. Clinics have experienced a threefold growth, rising from 411 to 1,397. Dental clinics have seen an impressive nearly sevenfold increase, going from 122 to 839. Additionally, diagnostic centers have multiplied sixfold, soaring from 1,778 to an impressive 10,291.
Bangladesh has a mixed healthcare system, including both public and private sectors. The government plays a significant role in providing healthcare services to the population. The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare oversees public healthcare facilities and programs.
Health Budget:
In a significant move highlighting the importance of the healthcare sector, former Finance Minister AHM Mustafa Kamal, on June 1, 2023, presented a budget proposal. He suggested an allocation of approximately BDT 38,052 crore / $345.93 million for the Health and Family Welfare sector in the upcoming fiscal year 2022-2024, a notable increase from the previous allocation of approximately BDT 36,863 crore / $334.21 million in the fiscal year 2021-2023.
Per Capita Healthcare Expenditure:
Current expenditures on health per capita in current US dollars. Estimates of current health expenditures include healthcare goods and services consumed during each year.
- Bangladesh healthcare spending for 2020 was $51, a 6.29% increase from 2019.
- Bangladesh healthcare spending for 2019 was $48, a 6.53% increase from 2018.
- Bangladesh healthcare spending for 2018 was $45, a 5.84% increase from 2017.
- Bangladesh healthcare spending for 2017 was $42, a 6.87% increase from 2016.
Total Healthcare Expenditure in Bangladesh:
Bangladesh National Health Accounts (BNHA) estimated total health expenditure (THE) from all sources for 1997 – 2020. THE in 2020 was Taka 777 billion accounting for 2.8% of GDP (BNHA 1997- 2020). In the same year government spending on health was Taka 179.74 billion representing 23% of THE (0.66% of GDP).
Figure: Per capita expenditure and percentage of GDP
Source: https://www.macrotrends.net/countries/BGD/bangladesh/healthcare-spending